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Amorya International Limited

Waste/Scrap Dealer

Wan Chai,
Member since : 5/8/2015
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Amorya International Limited

Amorya International Limited the premier scrap trader based in Wan Chai, Hong Kong. We purchase Lead Scrap on monthly basis.

We are looking for regular supply of Lead Scrap with 70/80% lead content. We have monthly requirement of 200 tons scrap for our own Lead smelting units in India. Racks - SCRAP LEAD - SOFT Shall consist of clean soft scrap lead, free of other materials such as drosses, battery plates, lead covered cable, hard lead, collapsible tubes, foil, type metals, aluminum, zinc, iron and brass fittings, dirty chemical lead and radioactive materials. Radio - MIXED HARD/SOFT SCRAP LEAD Shall consist of clean lead solids, free of other materials, such as drosses, battery plates, lead covered cable, collapsible tubes, type metals, aluminum, zinc, iron and brass fittings, dirty chemical lead and radioactive materials. Expectations – Around 75-80% Lead content. Quantity – 200 MT/ Month regularly

Payment terms: TRANSFERABLE LC 30 days from HSBC HONG KONG Please provide your best price CIF Chennai, India and best payment term urgently.

Contact details

Contact Name
: Mr.Sudhakar
: 3208 Central Plaza 18 Harbour Road Wanchai
: Wan Chai
: Hong KongHong Kong
: 12345
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Lead Scrap
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